FORTH is a 1200-people Research Center in Greece; it has been ranked in the top 20 European research organizations in FP7, and as the top research center in Greece in all national evaluations so far. This project is coordinated by the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH. CARV has 60 people today, and a 28-year history that includes the design, implementation, and test of dozens of innovative FPGA, ASIC, board, and System Software prototypes. Recently, a systems software package for storage that was developed in CARV has been successfully commercialized through a large international company. CARV has also educated many dozens of Computing Systems engineers and researchers; two of the eighteen recipients so far (till 2015) of the ACM Maurice Wilkes Award, which honors a worldwide outstanding young contributor to computer architecture, have been alumni of CARV.
Key Persons: Manolis Katevenis, Manolis Marazakis, Iakovos Mavroidis, Nikolaos Chrysos
For contact information, see the Contact page

Iceotope designs and manufactures scalable and robust high performance computing systems. Its technology is fully immersed in warm liquid, to effectively cool components and reduce energy costs and consumption, overall offering a sustainable product. Iceotope has been selected for the ExaNeSt project, as part of the European Horizon 2020 programme, to design an innovative cooling environment for a high density technology while dramatically improving power consumption.
Contact Persons: Peter Hopton, Clare Froggatt
AMP Technology Centre, Advanced Manufacturing Park, Brunel Way Sheffield, S60 5WG, UK
Tel.+44 0114 224 5500
The Allinea tool suite provides development tools and application performance analytics software for high performance computing (HPC). Leading users of HPC turn to the Allinea tools for extremely scalable, capable and intuitive tools that improve the efficient and value of HPC investment by reducing development time and increasing application performance. The integrated profiling and debugging Allinea tools are relied on in fields ranging from climate modelling to astrophysics, and from computational finance to engine design. The performance analytics software improves the performance and throughput of HPC systems by analysing the applications that are run. The Allinea tools group within ARM have partnerships with many of the HPC industry’s leading centres of expertise and technology providers – ensuring that the tools continue to lead in enabling technology to be exploited to its maximum potential.
EnginSoft is a premier consulting firm in the field of Simulation Based Engineering Science (SBES). Founded in 1984, throughout its long history EnginSoft has been at the forefront of technological innovation and remains a catalyst on the way SBES and CAE technologies are applied to solve even the most complex industrial problems with a high degree of reliability. EnginSoft works across a broad range of industries that include the automotive, aerospace, defense, energy, civil engineering, consumer goods and biomechanics industries to help them get the most out of existing engineering simulation technologies. EnginSoft is comprised of groups of highly qualified engineers, with expertise in a variety of engineering simulation technologies including mechanics, fluid-dynamics, fast dynamics and crash, metallurgy, process simulation, porous media, environmental engineering, off-shore engineering, acoustic analysis, process integration and design optimization (PIDO) and, more generally, scientific IT targeted at the optimization of design and production processes.
Contact Persons: Gino Perna, Carla Baldasso
EnginSoft S.p.A. Via della Stazione 27 - fraz. Mattarello 38123 Trento - Italy
Tel. +39 0461 915 391
Exact lab is an innovative SME that provides solutions, training and on-demand access in the High Performance Computing market. We assists our clients in the government and private sector in procuring mission-critical HPC systems and maximizing the effectiveness of existing systems based on their specific HPC requirements. Founded in 2011 as a spin-off of IOM-CNR institute located in Trieste Italy by three researchers with more than ten years of experience in the HPC arena the company is rapidly growing and it now composed by a team of six professionals plus a few more consultants. eXact lab, thanks to its focus on Research & Development (more than 20% of the annual turnover) and its highly skilled team, is also enlisted in the restricted list of the Italian Innovative Start-UP accordingly to Italian law 221/2012.
MonetDB Solutions, a spin-off company of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), is the technical consulting company for the open-source column-based database system MonetDB, specialised in database technologies for Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. In MonetDB Solutions world-leading database researchers and engineers support software companies in developing leading edge applications addressing vertical markets, such as telecom, health care and education.
Contact Persons: Ying (Jennie) Zhang,
+31 20 592 4230 (office),
+31 6 2181 8447 (mob)
Martin Kersten,
+31 20 592 4066 (office),
+31 6 3975 1214 (mob)
Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam, Netherlands
Virtual Open Systems (VOSYS) is a French software company active in the field of embedded open source software development. The core activities are on virtualization solutions and services for complex electronics, HPC, networking and cloud computing and in general for embedded heterogeneous multicore systems built around power efficient computing architectures. The company team consists of talented software and hardware engineers with strong technical skills on embedded systems virtualization techniques, KVM and KVM on ARM, linux kernel, QEMU, scheduling and QoS in low latency virtualized systems, networking virtual switching, etc. Virtual Open Systems is currently involved in several European research projects, partnering with leading industrial companies and academic institutions from all around Europe.
Contact Persons: Salvatore Daniel Raho, Christian Pinto
Virtual Open Systems SAS 17, rue Lakanal, 38000 Grenoble, France
Tel. +33(0)647 920 688
al Institute for Astrophysics is the Italian public scientific research organization that coordinates and performs Italian research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. It is composed by 17 departments, among which 12 Astronomical Observatories, 5 more research institution, and by the HQ located in Rome. The Astronomical Observatory of Trierste (OATs) hosts a team carrying out a forefront research in the field of Computational Cosmology. Members of this Computational Cosmology Group (CCG) partecipate to several national and international projects that make intensive use of large HPC facilities, with CPU time allocated through competitive scientific proposals (PRACE, CINECA, CAASTRO). There is also an intensive activity devoted to the development of specific modules within simulation codes specifically designed to work on massively parallel HPC facilities. OATs is involved in large international observational programmes, such as Euclid – an ESA mission to be launched in 2020 - and SKA – a worldwide project aimed to map the Universe in the radio domain. Such projects requires advanced ICT and HPC solution. The Observatory of Trieste hosts the Italian Science Data Center for Euclid, the national coordination of INAF ICT office and has a coordination role in ICT-oriented work-packages for SKA
Contact Persons: Giuliano Taffoni, Giuseppe Murante, Stefano Borgani, Simonetta Fabrizio
I.N.A.F. – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Via G.B. Tiepolo, 11 I-34143 Trieste, Italy
Tel. +39 040 3199 111
The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them. INFN states itself as “a community of researchers that invent and develop innovative technologies, making the most accurate measurements humanly possible, posing the ground to discover the fundamental laws of the universe. INFN employs some 5,000 scientists whose work is recognized internationally for their contribution to various state-of-the-art physics experiments at European laboratories (e.g. CERN, Geneva) and research centers worldwide. The research field requires the use of cutting-edge technology and instruments, including parallel and distributed computing, and cyber-physical interfaces, developed by the INFN at its own laboratories and in collaboration with European industries. Over the years, INFN has had a major role in the development and operation of large scale computing systems and facilities for both capability and capacity: since 1984, the INFN APElab designed and developed several generation of parallel /distributed supercomputers - APE, APE100, APEmille, APEnext, based on custom interconnects and processors - while the INFN CNAF has built and operated distributed computing infrastructures serving the most important high energy experiments at CERN.
Key Persons: Piero Vicini, Alessandro Lonardo, Pier S. Paolucci, Gaetano Maron
It is one of the top research-led universities and can lay claim to 25 Nobel Prize winners amongst its current and former staff and students. It was assessed as the best environment in the UK for computer science and informatics research in the last Research Excellence Framework (REF2014). The School of Computer Science plays important roles in the two EU FET flagship projects (Graphene; Human Brain) and in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) headquartered in the university. The school also pioneered the development of the first stored program computer virtual memory (Atlas), and retains strong activities in computer systems and engineering. The Advanced Processor Technologies (APT) group brings together more than 60 people and is one of the few centres of excellence able to design complex silicon as demonstrated by SpiNNaker, a one million ARM cores massively parallel architecture, with many notable spin-off examples including ICL Goldrush Database server, Amulet processors (Low-power architectures) bought by ARM Ltd., Transitive Corporation bought by IBM, and Silistix Ltd (Networks-on-Chip). Manchester is leading the work on the interconnects and will be contributing to the design, modelling, and development of the interconnection infrastructure, as well as to the analysis of the application needs.
Key Persons: John Goodacre, Mikel Luján, Javier Navaridas
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Universitat Politècnica de València ( is a public university with three campus sites, over 35,000 students and 2,600 faculty members and research staff. It consists of 44 Departments, most of them in engineering areas, and is the top University in Spain regarding patent production. Contributions to this project by UPVLC will come from the Parallel Architectures Group (GAP) and from Centro de Tecnología Nanofotónica (NTC). GAP has a 20-year research expertise in different components of the system architecture, especially on interconnection networks and scalable CMPs. Currently, the group is formed by thirty-nine researchers, eighteen of them being faculty members, three researcher being postdoctoral students, and other eighteen members being students developing their PhD theses in our group. NTC has been working on both fiber-optic interconnects and Silicon photonic interconnect for over 20 years. They have participated in over 25 EC funded projects dealing with Photonics devices and Optical Networks, leading over 10 of them. NTC is formed by over 65 researchers (10 Professors/Associate Professors), including 15 scientists and technologist operating its Silicon Photonics Foundry for rapid prototyping.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), with imore than 20 thousand staff, is Europe's largest organisation for application-oriented research. Founded in 1949, the organisation undertakes applied research that drives economic development and serves the wider benefit of society. The Fraunhofer Institute for Mathematics (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern, Germany, focuses on mathematical approaches to practical challenges like optimisation and visualisation. Core competences of the ITWM include processing of large data sets, drafting of mathematical models, problem-solving in numerical algorithms, summarisation of data sets, interactive optimisation of solutions, and visualisation of simulation and sensor data.
As part of Fraunhofer ITWM, the Competence Center for High Performance Computing (CC-HPC), since its foundation in 2002, focuses primarily on parallel application development and development of HPC tools, including the communication middleware GPI(Global Address Space Programming Interface), the GPI-Space programming environment for parallel and big data applications, and the BeeGFS File Systemformerly known as FhGFS.
Key Person: Sven Breuner
Fraunhofer Institut fuer Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany